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Ultra Lite Information Video

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Ultra Lite program is a fat loss, not weight loss program. It differs from most calorie counted programs because it maintains adequate protein in the diet to ensure muscle mass is preserved. Protein ... Read more >>

Success Stories:

Welcome to Ultra Lite

The Ultra Lite weight loss and detox program is based on sound science and common sense. Clinical research, medical trials and many thousands of successful patient outcomes support this method of rapid and sustained weight loss as the premium weight loss program. The weight loss and detox programs are designed to provide you with virtually all the necessary amounts of protein (based on recommendations of the World Health Organisation) carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and essential fatty acids in correct balance.

The Ultra Lite weight loss and detox program is a naturally balanced program based on a ketogenic diet system. By avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugar, and limiting excess carbohydrates you will maximise fat loss as your body will instead burn stored fat, providing energy through natural ketosis. In simple terms, our program is all about fat loss. Unlike many other quick weight loss programs, the Ultra Lite weight loss and detox program does not deplete your body of vital fluids and muscle mass.

You can lose up to 3 kilos in your first week and up to 1 to 3 kilos per week thereafter of fat loss. This is very rewarding for people who want to lose weight fast and natural but also allowing you to control your weight for life.

We don’t leave you alone on this journey. Our professionally trained practitioners are there to support you with weekly consultations, weighing and measuring and providing valuable advice and supervision. This will ensure that you receive maximum benefit and results from your weight loss and detox program.